There are currently 8 types of partner programme available

  • Mamba Interest Program
    Mamba Mobile Interest Program

    These programs do not require a domain or create your own website. You just need to place a link or an advertising banner "Mamba" through which users will be directed to the main site of the dating portal. After your users are registered on Mamba, you will receive 50% of all user payments attracted during the last calendar year.

  • Wamba Interest Program
    Wamba Mobile Interest Program

    These programs do not require a domain or create your own website. You just need to place a link or an advertising banner Wamba, through which users will be directed to the main site of the dating portal. After your users are registered on Wamba, you will receive 50% of all user payments attracted during the last calendar year.

  • CPA Mamba Web
    CPA Mamba Mobile
    CPA Wamba Web
    CPA Wamba Mobile

    These programs also do not require you to create your own site for redirecting traffic or have a domain. You will receive payment for actions (confirmed registrations, uploading photos, payments) carried out by users who have clicked through the link. Participation in these programmes is negotiated on an individual basis.

    It is also possible to create your own dating site. Participation in these programmes is negotiated on an individual basis.